Thursday, May 29, 2014

An Episode I Really Enjoyed

Of course, skeptics among you can rain on my parade and say it's just TV.

1 comment:

  1. I cant put my full name in the comment column because of backlinking. I hold a high integridy position in the military and will be a public servant soon. My mothers side of the family were migrated gypsie witches from hungary. She used to tell me that our family members always had one foot in the door. She was taken from me and my brothers when i was four years old. I can tell you that even though i saw things from time to time i was a skeptic too. I always had a belief in god and dieties or lesser gods which went against my other side of families beliefs. Nothing could prepare me for what happened in 2012. I was a military servant in the United States Marine Corps. I was stationed in Okinawa Japan. Do the research. This Island has had over 300000 deaths from war. Me and my best friends decided to check out this place on the island. This place i learned later is probably one of the most if not the most haunted places on earth. . its called takahara hotel. Check out this pictures if you google or you tube it.It was built on a powerful burial ground and because people were dying in accidents building it, it was never completed. The owner went crazy and is currently in a nuthouse. I dont believe he was crazy. My philosophy is that people get labeled crazy if they share there experiences with people and it cant be possible. That logically is why most of the real spiritualist are hidden between the cracks in society. Its almost like the spirits want only certain people to be in thier view. Anyways, this place has its own gravity. Hiking up the hill for 2 hours was tough but you notice it seems to have its own gravity. Bugs would fly up and then get pulled back down. I was with two of my friends who were skeptics. I put something on a grave at the top of this place. I wanted to draw out what was there. Untill this point, we heard little things, had footsteps creep behind and had been hiking in circles like the mountain wanted us to stay. On our way around we came to a little hut on the left. We saw two glowing eyes that came out of pitch black. It was a demon. Me and my friends froze out of disbelief. You dont get scared cause it cant be possible. Your brain cant process it. My friends were like "what is that". One of my friends was a science major and could not explain it. The eyes were mean and seemed to flash from florescent red to yellow like a closeup of the sun bubbling. I could hear it speak to me in my head " we know you" "we see you" it said. At that point i said to my friends "uhhm ok guys keep moving, thats not an owl".At that point i realized that everything that exsists in the spirit realms could be true. What else could be true? i was shown actual visual proof. More things went down at that place i cant talk about. One thing i learned though, if you keep your minds eye open, you will see proof. I am probably the least educated in this course of the subject. I figured i cant get my foot out he door better protect myself with knowledge. I am glad to be in this course with everyone.
